About Us

Your Money-Making Mentor

Welcome To Next Step In Creating Abundant Wealth

My name is Choyo Daniel, and I’m here to assist your absolute abundance. I founded the More Money Method® with the mission of helping all women who want to learn how to manifest money in abundance. And what I’ve discovered is that all you need to achieve your wealth goals… is to CTRL + ALT + DLT your debilitating beliefs. Society has a nasty habit of making women believe we can’t achieve all that we put our minds to. And it’s this very thought that has prevented you from propelling your life into abundance and realizing there is so much you can do to grow your
wealth – effortlessly. It took me a long time to crack the code of personal wealth growth. And the answer is far simpler than I could ever have imagined. In realizing and remembering that God operates only from a place of love, so too can we lead lives filled with riches (if we also lead with love).


Enriching Your Inner World Only Makes Your Outer World Richer

As soon as I realized that the power to change my financial position was within me the whole time, I spent every waking minute trying to uncover it. I believe that it is my life purpose to help women like me achieve the very same goals I had for myself. I devised the More Money Method® to help simplify the process. I’ve made the technique easy to understand and embrace, and I am confident in my method’s ability to propel more deserving women in the right direction to achieve your wealth goals. If you are strong of faith, pure of heart, and ready to reform your life into riches – then you’ve just made yourself a money-making best friend in me.